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Hair Re-growth for Women: What You Need To Know

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You may have started to notice that your hair is thinning. Anytime you comb or brush it, you lose quite a bit. Youdo not know what you can do about the situation. You wonder if hair growth products for women will provide some relief.

It is understandable if you still have many lingering questions. Our article will give you an in-depth exploration of what you can do. It will also highlight why you may be losing your hair.

Is It Possible To Regrow Hair?

Hair loss occurs more often than you may want to think. The older we grow, the more likely hair loss will become a part of our daily life. It is a natural process that you may not be able to do anything about. However, if you start to notice any signs, consult a doctor.

  • Underlying medical issues could be contributing to the problem. By taking care of such, it can stop the loss of hair. 
  • Genetics has a strong role to play. Androgenic alopecia may present from late teens onwards. It results in pattern hair loss that presents as thinning of hair on the crown. For men, you will notice a bald spot or receding hairline. If your ponytail parting seems to be getting bigger, you may be suffering from androgenic alopecia. 
  • Diet and nutritional uptake also have a significant role to play. Stock up on your protein and iron intake for healthier hair. Be careful about the amount of Vitamin A you consume in a day. The experts recommend that you keep it at 5000 international units per day. Anything more than that can have an impact on your hair. 
  • Hormonal imbalance is another culprit. During menopause or pregnancy, you may experience hair loss. In the former, low estrogen levels are the main culprit.
  • After childbirth, you may continue to experience some hair loss. Even medications like birth control will lead to hormone imbalance, resulting in hair loss. The good news is that by taking care of the imbalance and your hair will start to grow back
  • Medical conditions such as hypo and hyperthyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also play a role. Other diseases, such as lupus and alopecia areata, will lead to hair loss. Your doctor will most likely put you on a medication regimen to treat such conditions. You may start to see improvement once the medicines start to take effect. 
  • Medical treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy, can also lead to hair loss. The same goes for medications used to treat cardiovascular diseases, depression and diabetes. 
  • Be careful about how you handle your hair. Over manipulation and styles that pull the roots can lead to hair loss. Tight braids, cornrows and ponytails will pull the strands, and you may lose them. 
  • Watch your stress levels very carefully. An increase in cortisol levels will block the proper functioning of the hair follicles. You may end up experiencing hair loss.

Remember, losing your hair can be indicative of a bigger underlying problem. That is why we stress that you should talk to your doctor before trying any hair regrowth techniques.

Treating Hair Loss and Achieving Regrowth

If you start to notice hair loss, do not suffer in silence. There are treatment options available in the market. Let's look at some of them.

  • Treatment with Minoxidil

Minoxidil or Rogain has allowed some women to regrow their hair. It is especially beneficial for female pattern hair loss.

Minoxidil is a topical medication, and you can achieve a success rate of up to 80%. Be patient, though; the regrowth may vary from individual to individual. For some people, it can take up to four months before you start to notice any difference.

The doctor may also prescribe iron supplements together with Minoxidil. Treating iron deficiencies is critical because it also contributes to the loss of hair. Your doctor will probably run a test to determine that your iron levels are optimal. If they are, they will not recommend the supplement.

Minoxidil has FDA approval due to the success it has managed to achieve with regards to hair growth. Do note, however, you may not achieve full density. You may also develop contact dermatitis, which is an irritation that may result from the use of the Minoxidil solution. Some people also experience hypertrichosis, resulting in hair growth in unexpected areas like the forehead and cheeks.

  • Anti-Androgens and Oral Contraceptives

Hormone imbalances may also lead to an increase in androgens in females. In this case, hair loss presents like it would in men. The problem is especially serious for women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

The dermatologist may prescribe medications like oral contraceptives or spironolactone to block androgen production. Oral contraceptives contain synthetic progestin, drospirenone, which may be responsible for hair regrowth. It may not be a viable option if you hope to have more children.

The medications may cause genital abnormalities. Other side effects include depression, libido loss, weight gain and fatigue.

  • Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation or grafting has proven to be effective where there is follicle damage. The doctor uses existing hair follicles and implants them in the bald areas. The process may be time-consuming, but the results are more permanent.

  • Light Therapy

The specialist may recommend the use of light therapy together with other treatment methods. A combination of low light therapy and Minoxidil, for example, gives better results. The process is, however, still undergoing some research on its efficacy.

  • Ketoconazole Treatment

You will find ketoconazole in the form of shampoos that you can buy over the counter. We, however, recommend getting a prescription from the doctor.

  • Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma

Your doctor may get platelet-rich plasma from your blood and inject it into your scalp. The procedure is excellent for improving rates of tissue repair. Some recipients of the treatment report reduction in hair loss.

Users also say they achieve better hair density due to a diameter increase on each strand. Research is, however, still ongoing on the efficacy of such treatments.

  • Hair Growth Products

Some hair growth products have been successful in helping women regrow their hair. They may come in the form of shampoos, sprays or oils. Do your research well and read customer reviews to see how effective the products you want are. Most importantly,please read the ingredient list and consult a specialist before using them.

  • Take Better Care Of Your Hair

Avoid anything that can result in hair loss. Be careful about the hairstyles, eat a proper diet, hydrate well and maintain overall good health.

Final Thoughts

Living with hair loss can be difficult, but there is hope. It is possible to regrow your hair if you start to experiencehair loss. You must understand why it is happening in the first place.

We have highlighted various reasons why you could be losing your hair. You may be responsible for what is happening by what you do. A poor diet or poor handling of your hair can be a problem. If you have a medical condition, your doctor will need to treat you first.

Like anything else, you should do your research to understand what is happening. Also, get to understand the products and consult a doctor before you use any of them.